Books / Essential Oils / Health / Oils

Healing Oils of the Bible 11

2014-12-03 14.25.37

 Olive: The Other Healing Oil of the Bible

Olive oil is special.  Like we’ve discussed before, the reason that essential oils can be healing is because of their tiny size and ability to penetrate cells.  Most “fatty” oils are too big to do this.  Of course, olive oil is different.  On pages 155 and 156, this is discussed.  The book says, “The oil that drains in the first hour or so is called “extra virgin,” while that which drains later is simply called “virgin.  Thus, the first oil of the olive is both fatty and essential.”  Pretty amazing!


Here are some other things that are discussed in this chapter:

  • shown to thin blood, lower blood pressure, and regulate cholesterol by reducing LDL and maintaining HDL.  (159)
  • Mediterranean cultures (which includes the Holy Land) have lower rates of heart attack, and degenerative and disabling diseases.  Olive oil is a common factor is all these cultures.  (160)
  • known to clean and assist liver, regulate bile production and reduce gall stones.  (160)
  • effective antioxidant that reduces cancer rates and increases longevity.  (160)
  • “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.”  Hippocrates (160)
  • usually combined with essential oils and applied to cuts, sores, bleeding wounds, bruises, and injuries, with a little wine as an antiseptic.  (162)

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I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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