
Weekend Shopping

Dillon’s $54.88; total savings $68.23; 108 fuel points; 48 items (free baby puff and yogurt melts, scotch tape) I will be sending in two rebates and should be getting back a little over $14 back!

Walmart $65.64; used a $15 gift card; $50.64 out of pocket; however only $28.28 was groceries! Going to send in another rebate and should get back around $10!

Total so far (minus rebates) $68.54, I still need to run by Aldi’s and planning on spending around $20 to $25. My youngest son is not gaining much weight so the doctor wants us to start feeding him PediaSure and Carnation Instant Breakfast to give him more calories (this stuff is expensive! so my grocery bill may be a little higher for a little while)! Total for weekend $83.57

Menu plan:
cereal (x3); oatmeal; eggs & toast; waffles; pancakes
sandwiches (x3); cheese tortillas; chicken nuggets; fish sticks, leftovers
tacos, spaghetti, quiche, macaroni & cheese, soup, Parmesan chicken, leftovers

Make sure to get your coupons before you go to the store!


I am a teacher turned stay at home mom to seven children. I have a passion for helping parents be better parents and strive to help make life easier for them. Join me on my journey!

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Pancakes & Waffles

February 1, 2011