November 2012 Overview
What I’m Lovin’
in my drinkMy new picture above my fireplace, thanks so much Douglas Hahn!
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Mommy Moments
My daughter has been cracking me up lately! She is (of course) a little mommy. The other day I heard her tell her little brother, “Oh no, use your eyes not your hands” and “Please walk.” Sometimes you get (rare) glimpses of yourself that are actually positive and encouraging.
Helpful Posts
Lesson Plans
Books I’m Planning on Reading
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Diet Update
We have not been eating right at all! It’s all been about convenience, ease, and time saving. We’ve been blowing through our food money like no other. I’ve been drinking a lot more pop/soda lately as well. I’ve noticed I am a bit more irritable. I am not sleeping as well. I have been getting quite a bit of sleep, but it’s harder to get up in the morning and I don’t feel as rejuvenated. All of us have complained of stomach irritation and our bathroom schedules are off. My son’s behavior has gotten worse, he is sleeping a lot more and his diaper rash is coming back. I am not claiming that all of this is solely because of the diet. We have been under a lot more stress lately and our routine has been thrown out the window and run over by a truck! 😉 However, I am starting to feel very run down and some of my old “favorite” foods have not been living up to my memory. I hope that very soon we can get back on track!
Most Popular Posts
Shutterfly (surprising since I only had 2 enter the giveaway!)
Christmas Countdown
How is Christmas coming along for you?
We got the Personalization Mall ornaments and stocking stuffers in the mail today! I already bought their Christmas Eve pajamas last year on clearance. This year we are going to give the kids one big Santa present to share (we are going to add on to the current swing-set) and then they will each get 2-3 presents from us. I really like the idea of three presents because that’s how many Jesus got, however, I’m having a hard time even coming up with two good ideas for a couple of the kids and I really don’t want to try that hard to come up with another good idea since they don’t need anything! We’ll see how it ends up. I have 1 present for my oldest and no other ideas, I have ordered two for my second child, I have two for my daughter, and two for my youngest. I have ordered or bought or have certificates to order gifts for all extended family. I have no clue what to get my husband! I also need to work on teacher gifts!
Coming Up This Month
This month’s challenge is going to be focusing on Transitions. I think this will be especially helpful when our schedules start to change a lot due to holiday activities, it will help the kids feel less frazzled!
I am hoping to start posting chore videos!
I’m not planning on doing this until December, but I just can’t keep it a secret! I am planning on having a giveaway week in December where I’ll be giving away one small thing a day, for 5 days! 😉
I am planning on rewriting a post about our favorite toys.
Want to Try
What are you looking forward to this month?